Monday, January 27, 2020

Why People Are Failing In High School Education Essay

Why People Are Failing In High School Education Essay Over the years, plenty of teenagers have had problems in a high school environment. Researchers have been getting statistics from all over the country to determine the amount of people dropping out of school or just failing in general. This topic has been an issue for many years. The percentages of high school dropouts have gone up and gone down. Most will say though that it is usually on the negative end. This is a huge problem and there has to be something done about it quick. The majority of dropouts come from a low income family. They need to provide for their family financially instead of opening a book. That is not the reason for everyone though. This research is going to explain the percentages and major reasons for students failing in a high school. Stay tuned. Failing in High School 1 Why are People Failing in High School? The Facts are here There are a lot of students that succeed in a high school environment and go off to a great university to find out what they want to achieve in their lives. However, not every student is blessed with the luxury to go to college or even finish high school. There are plenty of reasons on why students dont graduate from high school. Based on my research, the majority of the students that fail in a high school environment come from a low income family. These students fail because of having to deal with their families financial problems as well as being a part of an environment that is surrounded by negativity. We need to set goals for our children and help them grow as people. If we can do that, our future can look brighter and more positive. The following information will be exploring this huge problem. Can we find a solution towards the following facts? The students that drop out of high school are all types of races. The majority of the high school dropouts are black, Hispanic, or American Indian. The teenagers that are a part of these races generally live in the poorest parts of our economy. That is one of the main reasons why they fail. More Asians and whites graduate with a diploma and on time. Males are also less likely to graduate then females. All kinds of people of certain races drop out of high school. Basically, the students that dropout are the students who come from the gutter and arent given the right direction to succeed. Students drop out of high school for different reasons. Some get kicked out of school for fighting and get expelled for good. Some students get pregnant and have to deal with that instead. Then the father of that child may have to get a full time job and drop out of high school to support his child. Another reason may be because a certain student is having trouble keeping up with the school work. Some people tend to quit when they feel they are failing. That is where the parents need to come in. The kids that are a part of families with a low income have it the worst. I say that because they did not ask to be a part of that kind of environment. These types of students struggle through school because they need to help their parents by getting jobs to help the family and dont have time to go to school. They need to make money now. Being a part of a low income family and around poverty is not easy at all. It makes you angry and irritated. You are constantly around drugs, gangs, dope hea ds, pimps, drug dealers, and more. That is a lot of negativity to be around and when a teenager sees that, he or she may want to become a part of that lifestyle. Those types of lifestyles do not involve school and the future of your education. Those types of street professions involve making money and that is Failing in High School 2 why the low income parents tell their kids to go do that kind of illegal activity. A kid that comes from poverty may even decide for them self to make money on the street. It isnt always just the parents. They see it as easy money and also think to themselves that sitting in a classroom is pointless if I am making money now. Some of the parents that have a low income and are living in the projects do drugs or drink alcohol on a daily basis. When their kid sees that, he or she may want to start doing drugs also. Drugs will make kids lazy and not want to do anything. Certain drugs can effect a students motivation to succeed. Is Money Really That Important? A lot of those problems that I have just mentioned have to deal with people that are a part of a low income family. As I said earlier, that is the main focus on why students fail. They are surrounded by filth. A lot of people that are a part of poverty are nice and good hearted. They just have to do certain things because of the environment that surrounds them. I found some research concerning this problem. In 2005, the event dropout rate for students living in low-income families was approximately six times greater than the rate of their peers from high-income families (8.9 percent compared with 1.5 percent). Students from low-, middle-, and high-income families experienced an overall decline in event dropout rates during the three-decade period of the mid-1970s through 2005, including a downward trend during the first half of that period (1975 to 1990). From 1990 to 1995, students from low-income families experienced an upward trend in rates, while their peers from middle- and high -income families experienced no significant change. In the last decade (1995-2005), the event rates for low-income groups trended downwards, a trend not found among students from middle- and high-income families { National Center for Education Statistics, 2009, pg.1-2}. That was good information that was provided by the NCES. What this information tells me is that we need to make some serious changes and it makes me sick that money is the reason for some students not having the same chance to succeed. The main purpose for an education is to make money in the future. Some of these parents are basically telling their kids that they have to live by the day. They cant live and think about their future. That is not fair for a kid that has dreams and has the potential to succeed. Some of the parents did this to Failing in High School 3 themselves. They waste their own money on drugs and bring themselves down. The kids see that and may start living that life in the near future. Hopefully for our futures sake, we can start bringing hope to these kids and explain to them that an education is the most important thing to receive when you are a teenager. Who Are the Students That Fail In a High School Environment? The study found that seven in 10 students graduate from high school with a regular diploma. But about half of American Indian and black students graduate, compared with more than three-quarters of non Hispanic whites and Asians. The Hispanic graduation rate is 55.6%. Male students are consistently less likely to graduate than females, a pattern than can be found across every racial and ethnic group examined, according to the report { Report:1.2 Million Students Fail to Graduate High School, NSTA, Kristin Collins, 2006, p.3} Blacks and Hispanics have the highest rate not to graduate from high school. These two races also have the highest rate of being a part of a low income family. Trying to Make a Change Another resource that I found concerning this topic was in the Axia student library. This article is called Examining the high school dropout rate among African American and Hispanic students. The focus of this study was the problem of the high dropout rate among African American and Hispanic students enrolled in Westchester, New York, high schools during the 2003-2004 school year. A mixed method was used to collect data in this study. The 90 participants consisted of minority and nonminority high school students who had dropped out of school or who were still in high school as well as teachers, administrators, and parents from the Westchester high school districts in New York State. One group consisted of high school dropouts between 14 and 21 years old and potential high school dropout students between 14 and 21 years old with a grade point average below 2.0. The second group included parents, and the third group consisted of teachers/staff. The study was designed to establish the factors that contribute to the dropout rate among African American and Hispanic students enrolled in Westchester high schools. The results of the study showed that students who dropped out of Failing in High School 4 high school were influenced by socio-cultural, educational, and economic factors. The findings in this study helped identify specific factors that contribute to a higher incidence of dropping out of inner city high schools today to support a best practices approach. This approach included a profile for failure for African American and Hispanic students that can lead to the development of alternative strategies and an academic support plan for this at-risk group of students to help reduce the dropout rate in the urban high schools in Westchester, New York {Digneo, Mriam L., NorthcentralUniversity, 2009, pg 1}. A support plan can be a great help to these people. We need to start somewhere. This author gives a perfect example on certain races that are being affected by poverty and is trying to show that we are creating a strategy to change. Which City Has the Worst Graduation Rate? Another report from Kristen Collins was this, The report found that graduation rates vary widely across the nations largest school districts. For example, the graduation rate in Fairfax County, Virginia, (the nations 14th largest school district) was 82.5% while the Detroit public school system (the nations 11th largest school district) had a rate of 21.7% {Kristin Collins, NSTA, 2009, pg 4}. Those statistics scare me. I live in Michigan and I know how Detroit is. It would be a horrible place to live in some parts. It is nice though in certain areas. However, a graduation rate of 21.7% for a city that has the 11th largest school district in the nation is pathetic and embarrassing. The city of Detroit does have a lot of families that make a low amount of income. There is a lot of poverty out in that city and changes are trying to be made. This rate needs to change or else are future is in turmoil. No one in that city is being educated and the teachers have a lot to do with that also. The parents not caring whether or not their children go to school is a factor as well. Being a part of poverty is depressing and can stop someone of becoming who they were meant to become. Poverty Can Lead to a Variety of Things In Detroit and all over the world, there is a lot of violence and people joining gangs as well. If you fight in school, that is usually an automatic suspension and sometimes it can lead to getting kicked out of school for good. The majority of people who become a part of gangs come from a low income family. They join the gang and eventually start selling drugs, killing people, hurting people, and more. This can lead to that student dying themselves. Its just like a pattern. It keeps happening every day and we need to make a change. Forty-eight percent of all late high school dropouts come from families in the lowest quarter (bottom 25 percent) of the socioeconomic status distribution, and 77 percent of late high school dropouts come from the lowest half of the socioeconomic status distribution {Late High School Dropouts; Characteristics, Experiences, and Changes Across Cohorts, Ben Dalton, Elizabeth Glennie, Steven J. Ingels, 2009, pg 1}. It is no secret that money rules the world. I t is a shame as well. The Failing in High school 5 students that are a part of this economy should have just as good of opportunity to succeed as anyone else. We need to help these families in some possible way. Motion creates emotion. What can be done about these problems is very little. When it comes down to it, the student is in control of his or her own life. They have to put into their mind that they do not want to be around poverty forever. They want to create a change and education is the ticket for that. It may take time, but it will be worth it in the long run. These kids need to start thinking about the future and not just today. There is very little that we can do, but it could be enough to improve some students lives. We need the parents to motivate their children and stop caring about when their next buzz is going to come. That will help also. Poverty leads teens to think too much about the rich and famous also. They start to imitate what they see on T.V. and from rappers and it leads to negativity. It is very important to address this problem because our countries future is depending on it. As I said earlier, most people that dont have an education turn out to be bums, drug dealers, prostitutes and so on. There are some people that do succeed without a high school diploma. It is rare though. Those people are usually Hollywood stars, rap stars, or lottery winners. After finding all this research, I have realized that our country is going to have more problems as the years go by. There are too many people without an education and it already has caught up to us. If the population keeps growing, there will be chaos all over the country. We need to come up with a plan. A specific approach towards all these problems that create students failing in high school needs to be thought of. The kids of today will have to take care of us someday. Remember that. Failing in High School 6

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Probability: Playing Card and Vocational Training Essay

Q1). You draw a card at random from a standard deck of 52 cards. Neither you nor anyone else looked at the card you picked. You keep it face down. Your friend then picks a card at random from a remaining 51 cards. a) What is the probability that your card is ace of spades? 1/52 b) What is the probability that your friend’s card is ace of spades? (Hint: Construct the sample space for what your friend’s card can be.) 1/51 c) You turn over your card and it is 10 of diamonds. Now what is the probability that your friend’s card is the ace of spades? 1/51 Q2). Suppose that 25% of the population in your area is exposed to a television commercial of Ford Automotive, and 34% is exposed to Ford’s radio advertisements. Also it is known that 10% of the population is exposed to both means of advertising. If a person is randomly chosen out of the entire population in this area, what is the probability that he or she was exposed to at least one of the two modes of advertising? ANS: P(A) = 0.25 P(B) = 0.34 P(A^B) = 0.10. Probability that he/she was exposed to at least one mode of advertising = 0.25 + 0.34 + 0.1 = 69% Q3). A Firm has 550 employees, 380 of them have had at least some college education, and 412 of the employees underwent a vocational training program. Furthermore, 357 employees are both college educated and have had vocational training. If an employee is chosen at random, what is the probability that he or she is college educated or has had the vocational training or both? Q4). A bank loan officer knows that 12% of the bank’s mortgage holders lose their jobs and default on the loan in the course of 5 years. She also knows that 20% of the bank’s mortgage holders lose their jobs during this period. Given that one of her mortgage holders just lost his job, what is the probability that he will now default on the loan? Q5). A Recent survey conducted by Towers Perrin and published in the Financial Times showed that among 460 organizations in 13 European Countries, 93% have bonus plans, 55% have cafeteria-style benefits, and 70% employ home-based workers. If the types of benefits are independent, what is the probability that an organization selected at random will have at least one of the three types of benefits? P(A) = 0.93, P(B) = 0.55, P(C) = 0.70. P(Not A) = 1 – 0.93, P(Not B) = 1-0.55, P(Not C)= 1-0.70 P(Not A B C) = 0.07 * 0.45 * 0.30 = 0.01155 P(atleast 1 event occurring) = 1-0.01155 = 0.988.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Mutli Agency Working

The aim of the essay is to show an understanding of the value of effective multi-agency working in supporting children and families. It is mentioned in the department of education (2012) that multi – agency working is a way of bringing together practioners from different professions to give additional support to children and family who need it. Because children and their family needs can be very different it is ensured that right professionals are involved in the service provided, which might involve people from social work, health, education, early years, youth work, police and youth justice etc.When providing support for the children and their families it is important that practioners have an ability to provide a child centred and a holistic approach to contribute to the best support possible. Holistic approach means considering the physical, emotional, social, psychological and spiritual development and as well looking at it in a wider context. (FdA Early Childhood Studies 2012a)Department of Education (2012) mentions Multi-agency working as a generic term and is organised differently in every place, For Example it can be a team of professionals working around particular needs of a child or family, based on an area or just an establishment. The services work together within a unit or with other services and also have regular meetings for improvement of services.Multi-agency working provides benefits for children, young people and families because they support in the most efficient way, needs of the children and families are addressed more appropriately because of better quality services.. For example it provides with early identification and intervention, and keeping in mind the holistic needs, it provides better support for parents. Helping children leads to improved achievement in education and better concentration in education.Worden (1996) states that in situations where a child has lost a parent can be a very hard time for the children, because p arents are the most important people in children’s life. This can affect them both physically and emotionally. Penny (2005) states the community based figures on parent’s report of their children, aged five to sixteen who have experienced bereavement of a parent or a sibling is 3.5 %. Parkes (1993) in Machin  (2009) implicates that sometimes loss takes place suddenly leaving no time for preparation.And the impact of loss always exists. Erikson (1980) mentioned in Machin (2009) says that the psychosocial developments occurring across the child’s life span has changes such as losses and gains. The losses cause emotional distress, give grief. It is clear that from his life span theory from birth to death, challenges contribute to personal and social development. To this developmental process relationships or people form an important part of the life span. Littlejohn (2013) refers to Bowlby’s Theory of Attachment (1960) who believed that when the primary ca rer or the important figure of the child is unavailable, they respond in detachment and also may affect their ability to form caring relationship in life.Bowlby states that the children go through three stages of separation response: children might show anxiety, Show hopelessness due to the grief and feel detached. Bowlby also mentions that children and adults go through four phases of grieving process. Stage a: Shock, Stage b: Searching, protesting and yearning, Stage c: Anger or depression and Stage d: Accepting and re- adjustment. Parke, Gauvain (2009) mentions that Urie Bronfenbrenner (1979) suggests that whatever happens in the microsystem that is an individual’s experience in one particular setting, which is the family, in the case of children experiencing loss when one of the parent dies, the experience is very direct and the other settings in the microsystem are home, school and church etc.The mesosystem is the connection and relationships between microsystems, e.g. h ome/school, and church/family. Thus Bronfenbrenner states that the environment & emotions of the family can have direct effect on the child. (FDA Early Childhood Studies 2012 b). Penny (2005) mentions that Wendy Stainton Roger’s three main ways of determining the best children bereavement services as a ‘needs discourse’, a ‘rights disclourse’ and a ‘quality of life disclourse’. In the ‘needs’ disclourse Worden (1996) cited in Penny (2005) gives two alternative approaches to provide the children’s bereavement service.One is to wait till the child is showing difficulties with bereavement, which means waiting for the child to show emotional/behavioural distress and then to intervene. Stokes (2004) cited in Penny (2005)argues that this type of intervention could result in some children missing out the service that could be helpful to them. The other method would be to measure the children at risk by using a screening  i nstrument. Stokes again argues that this may not accurately reflect the experience of the family. Thus ‘needs’ disclourse alone cannot be used for child’s bereavement service.The ‘rights’ disclourse is an approach where the children’s needs must be met. Children’s right in the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child (1989) says the children have the rights to be protected from abuse and exploitation, have services to promote their healthy development and participation in decision making .the problem with children’s rights is that it conflicts with needs, and hence require careful balancing. For example where the child’s right to be protected from what an adult considers as harmful for the children.The ‘quality of life’ discourse is about the best interest of the child, as it meets the ‘needs’ and the ‘rights’ this approach the children’s welfare is taken into acco unt with the concerns, values, resources and families and community in which children are brought up. This holistic approach is to support resilience, which is to help children overcome whatever the life challenges they face. Every Child Matters (2003) aim to support the child to be healthy, stay safe, enjoy and achieve, Make a positive contribution and achieve economic well-being.In this it supports the services for bereaved children and families, which include early intervention and prevention, having support in transition and for the family. The Children’s trust brings together police, health and the voluntary sector, and the other agencies to be involved in community based bereavement services. For example The End of Life Care strategy makes provision for bereavement care, which helps children cope with the death of their close ones.Children who experience grief are support by services such as Hospice movement which support the dying and the children and the families of t hose who are experiencing loss. The Winston’s wish in Gloucestershire in 1992 gives a good support to children and families who have a hard time experiencing loss. These services help children through listening, doing activities, which help them talk about their lost loved ones and also form bond with the other family members. Penny (2005) mentions Rolls and Payne (2004) that identified objectives leading to interventions, which are followed by the children bereavement services and additional training, supervision are often offered.The interventions offered to children are to help make sense of what has happened and the how they feel; it helps provide a secure environment for exploring, help with expressing feelings, improve communication between family members and help bonding. It helps the children to manage their emotions and feelings, thus help create memories, reduce the feeling of isolated and help move forward in life and have hope for the future. There are two types o f service. Restricted and open access. Restricted service is mainly for group children who have experienced bereavement because of particular causes such as life threating illness.Open access service offer service and support to children and families whatever type and circumstances of death, the only restriction in that would be the age of the child and the area they live in. In this type of service when death is anticipated, information, guidance and support is given to the family and children before and afterwards. I the death is sudden or tragic, additional support is offered may be offered by hospital, police, victim support, social work team etc. If children show difficulties at a late stage, help can be offered through school counsellor, educational psychologist and in extreme situation can be referred to child and adolescent mental health services.Multi agency team thus improve children and their families’ quality of life and make sure the child bereavement service is available to all children and as professionals it is important to take into account different and changing situations. Professionals work in partnership with the children, their families, the school the child goes to and community the children are from to the best interest of the children.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Movie Titanic - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 4 Words: 1169 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2019/07/31 Category History Essay Tags: Titanic Essay Did you like this example? The movie Titanic was produced by James Cameron and was released on December 19th, 1997. The opening weekend for this movie generated over 28.6 million dollars. The New York Times wrote that the surprising success of Titanic has already rewritten the rules of Hollywood film making. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "The Movie Titanic" essay for you Create order The Spectacular performance of Titanic- now the No. 3 domestic box-office attraction of all time, with ticket sales of $376.4 million (Elliott). They never thought this terrific but heartbreaking film to be such a hit, with over 1,500 people dying and a length of 3 hours and 15 minutes. One of the films executive producer stated, nobody anticipated the level of success. However, the film Titanic, produced by James Cameron, was distributed worldwide and did very well internationally because this event is considered a worldwide tragedy, was filmed, advertised well and was shown worldwide, and was easy to relate to. To begin, the film Titanic was such a hit internationally because the sinking of the Titanic was considered a worldwide tragedy that has created an interest for many people for decades. Ever since the sinking of the ship happened it has remained a mystery. Since there is only little evidence of what actually happened on April 14, 1912, the viewers got to experience what the people on the ship had to go through. The sinking was realistic even though the movie is based around a fictional romance. Throughout the movie, the viewers got to see actual footage and clips from the day the ship sunk. This gave the viewers a more realistic feel of what it looked like. Titanic did so well with international audiences because of the realistic elements that James Cameron carefully planned out that infatuated millions of people around the world. The set for this movie was created in 100 days in Baja, Mexico. The Titanic movie set is in Mexico and can be visited. The public can walk through certain scenes of this movie which really makes them feel as if they apart of it. James Camerons ability to make the viewers feel as if they apart of the movie and what happened on the boat plays a huge role in why the movie was so successful. Moreover, Titanic is also considered a global success because it was produced, filmed, and shown all over the globe. The key to a successful movie is to have different aspects of the film from all around the world. According to Lane Crothers in the book Globalization and American Popular Culture, a big Hollywood blockbuster movie may have been financing from businesspeople outside the United States, have an international cast and locations, include special effects made from outside the U.S., be distributed in dozens of countries through local distribution companies, and make more than 80% of its revenues abroad (Crothers). Titanic fits this description, with a few of the locations where this film was shot was in Canada, Mexico, and in the North Atlantic Ocean (IMDB). With that being said, it allowed for the film to have an international feel. It has been translated to over thirty different languages so viewers all around can enjoy this film. This greatly added to the international success of the film, with people being able to enjoy the story of Jack and Rose from all around the world (IMDB). Throughout the making of this film the budget was about 200 million dollars. The producers were worried that they would not make a profit for this movie. It was a surprise to them since the 22 years that it has been released, the gross profit is almost 2.2 billion dollars. To this day, it is still considered one of the most successful Hollywood blockbusters. This film has produced more revenue internationally than in the United States. Since 1997, the U.S. generated close to 658.7 million dollars and internationally the film has earned over 1.5 billion dollars. The majority of this films profit was not from the U.S. (IMDB). These numbers prove that Titanic was not only a hit in the United States but was also an internationally succes s and loved by many different people around the world. To continue, the Titanic had such an international success because it was easy for viewers to relate to. People all around the world can relate to a love story with tragedy. All fairy tales about love and romance usually end in happy ending, which at times is not very relatable. With that being said, the tragic ending in the Titanic helped create the international success because people tend to relate to a tragedy better than a happy ending since in real life every ending is not happy. Another theme that made this an international success in the idea of the American Dream. As stated in the book Globalization and American Popular Culture, much of the films success derives from the ways the values of American popular culture emerge in the movie. They provide a transparent foundation on which others can build their interpretations of the films significance in their lives (Crothers). The main character Jack, is on his way to America to find a better life, which is an illustration of the American Dream. We also see poverty through Jack who is romantic, loving, engaging, poetic, artistically talented, self-sacrificing, heroic, and above all, happy. Jack is self-made, self-confident, and successful in the most important ways (Crothers p.61). Viewers around the globe were interested in the plot of the American Dream and determination of character Jack Dawson. Another reason why the film was easily to relate to was that the majority of the film is set in the Northern Atlantic Ocean and the film includes characters from all around the world. The two main characters, Jack and Rose, are American, although there are other characters who are Irish and British. The fact that this film is not set in a certain country but in international waters, allows for viewers to all around the world to enjoy this film without feeling like they didnt belong with the culture. With the diversity of the characters, people from other countries felt like they were included in the story line. James Cameron was able to grab the viewers attention and crafted a film that people could relate to. To conclude, Titanic is one of the most successful movies of all time. This film brought the interest of so many individuals worldwide that a replica ship is being built that resembles the original Titanic and will set sail as soon as 2022. The Titanic is an international success through its captivating history, box office success, and its relatable plot. In Crothers book he wrote that the films popularity rests at least in part on the values and variables of American popular culture. The irrelevance of class, the importance of individualism, the lure of capitalism, and the distribution of talent across society are all foundations of American civic culture. In reflecting them, Titanic told a story that reached out the world. The world responded (Crothers 63). The film brought to life the sinking of the ship and started the worldwide interest of the Titanic.